trained and fully weaned maine coon kittens

  • 25/09/2022 9:36 pm
  • Coventry, England, United Kingdom
  • Sale
trained and fully weaned maine coon kittens
trained and fully weaned maine coon kittens
trained and fully weaned maine coon kittens
trained and fully weaned maine coon kittens


  • Category : Kittens & Cats
  • Condition : New
  • ad's with : with images
  • Urgent : Urgent


The kittens have all been well handled and are confident around young Children Teenagers and Adults. They are familiar with all house hold sounds and run freely around our family home.

All Kittens are sold as pet only.
They will leave to go to their forever homes fully Vaccinated Flea and worm treated and Microchipped.
They will be fully health checked and will be provided with a kitten care pack .
They will all be litter trained scratch post trained and fully weaned.

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Moffatt GY1 2JT United Kingdom,GY1 2JT,Coventry,England,United Kingdom

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